• Avenida Hidalgo 102, Guerrero, Ciudad de México, D.F., Mexico

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Topics on the agenda included: what was the role of technology in the revolutions in the Middle East? Can technology and access to information be used to help prevent conflict? But there’s so much more that Google can do to help you by sharing more of your information with … We also may link your subscription information with the data information we receive from our partners or other third parties ( such as Google Analytics, Firebase, Facebook Analytics, Umeng, Flurry etc.) to help smoothly facilitate our Services for you, to better understand your needs and to provide you with better Services experience. When you use the Services Website/application (or any of its sub sites), we make good faith efforts to provide you, as and when requested by you, with access to your personal information and shall further ensure that any personal information or sensitive personal data or information found to be inaccurate or deficient shall be corrected or amended as feasible. We hold personal data for a variety of different purposes and the length of time we keep your data will vary depending on the services or products we are providing. Whether you’re a new Google user or an old hand, please do take the time to read our new privacy policy and terms, learn more about the changes we’re making and understand the controls we offer. 

 Finally, what we’re not changing. We’re constantly collecting and updating information about the things you might like and dislike, so we can provide you with more relevant content and advertisements. We can provide more relevant ads too. We try hard to be transparent about the information we collect, and to give you meaningful choices about how it is used-for example our Ads Preferences Manager enables you to edit the interest categories we advertise against or turn off certain Google ads altogether. For example, it’s January, but maybe you’re not a gym person, so fitness ads aren’t that useful to you. We can provide reminders that you’re going to be late for a meeting based on your location, your calendar and an understanding of what the traffic is like that day. Today we can also do things like make it easy for you to read a memo from Google Docs right in your Gmail, or add someone from your Gmail contacts to a meeting in Google Calendar.We invited the advocacy groups Privacy International and Index on Censorship-both of whom have criticised Google in the past-to partner with us in staging the debates, and sought diverse viewpoints among the speakers and the delegates. If you are accepting this Privacy Policy and using the App, you warrant you are 13 (or 16, depends what is applicable) or more years old. 

By using Zoom, or providing personal data for any of the purposes stated above, you consent to the transfer to and storage of your personal data in the U.S., or other location as directed by our customer. We will access, use, preserve, and/or disclose your Personal Information if we reasonably believe it necessary to satisfy a valid and legally enforceable warrant, subpoena, court order, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. We don’t sell your personal information, nor do we share it externally without your permission except in very limited circumstances like a valid court order. To receive these financial incentives, you will be asked to provide certain personal information, for example to provide your email address in order to receive a discount coupon or to provide your details in order to participate in a contest. We believe that providing this level of detail highlights the need to modernize laws like the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which regulates government access to user information and was written 25 years ago-long before the average person had ever heard of email. If you would like to opt out of the Technologies we employ through our Services, you may do so by blocking, deleting, or disabling them as your browser or Device permits. 

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us. We process your personal information when you contact us to resolve any questions, disputes, collect fees, or to troubleshoot problems. For example, we use secure server software (SSL) to encrypt financial and personal information we collect online. When you use our services, we collect information about which of those services you’ve used and how you’ve used them. We remain committed to data liberation, so if you want to take your information elsewhere you can.But by showing traffic patterns and disruptions to our services, and by sharing how many government requests for content removal and user data we receive from around the world, we hope to offer up some metrics to contribute to a public conversation about the laws that influence how people communicate online. Today we’re updating the Government Requests tool with numbers for requests that we received from January to June 2011. For the first time, we’re not only disclosing the number of requests for user data, but we’re showing the number of users or accounts that are specified in those requests too. Yet at the end of the day, the information that we’re disclosing offers only a limited snapshot. There’s also less of a selection compared to Netflix or Hulu, as Amazon offers a lot of the videos as 24-hour rentals instead of “free” streams included with your membership. We may also use individual information we collect through web logs to send you targeted offers and other communications. In the course of providing the Services, we may employ third party service providers and their technologies that use certain methods to collect personal and other information as a result of their integration with our Services to perform, for example, analytics, customer support and other services for us.